What goes into a Hacklab?

We're having a lot of fun getting up and running with our Hacklab. None of us are professional electronics engineers, so we weren't really sure what we needed. I myself have built a few electronics projects in the past, but never really had the opportunity to setup a dedicated lab. My work has always been...

Monitoring WAL lag in PostgreSQL 9.x

When using streaming replication in PostgreSQL 9, it's important to know what the latency is between the master and slaves, especially when deploying on cloud based instances. Ideally, we'd like to know by how many bytes the WAL logs are lagging.  PostgreSQL offers a neat way to check just that between a given slave and its...

Simple Website Monitoring using Clojure

Ad-hoc measurement of page load times across multiple web servers can be a drag. Quite often you end up with a number of screen windows doing bash timed curl loops with file redirects and some grep/awk magic. This tends to work OK until you need to get a bit more sophisticated, for example - compare...

supplyframe.hacklab bootstrap

After a lot of procrastination, we have finally decided to get our hands dirty and start building a in-house hacklab. Why ? Because it's fun ! We also think we have some great ideas we want to build in our spare time. For now it's mostly about goofing around. Check out some photos from day #1: Stay...

Handling missing data in K-Means

One of the challenging things related to building "big data" apps is dealing with messy data sets. At SupplyFrame, we ran into a problem while doing some analysis with K-Means clustering:  All interesting features in our data had varying amounts of missing values.  It turns out that how the values are missing is significant!  Say...

The blog is up!....now what?

This is the first post in hopefully a soon to be long line of posts on the SupplyFrame Engineering Blog. Here we'll be documenting our adventures in our shiny new Electronics Lab and hopefully blogging a little bit about the work we do here and the things that interest us. Stick around, it may be...